Day 441 – Some notes to myself, giving excuses is not valid.

When I miss writing for 2 days in a row, I know, I am asking for trouble. Meaning, two days can easily turn into 3 days, and then the momentum to skip keep on getting stronger. So the key is to cut it by writing something. Its 12:45 AM right now, I should be way into my sleeping, but I allowed my lazy mind to put the daily writing off to the last minute, then I was about to say “ok too late now, so might as well skip today and do the writing tomorrow”, yes that excuse was brewing like a sugar candy waiting for me to bite it. But who creates such excuses, there is no demon inside my MIND who is playing trick or treat with me, is there? ITS ME trying to trick me. Not cool. No one to blame, no one to point the finger, its ALL me. I am the one who is jeopardizing my process, so I must be the one to wake up and take responsibility.

I am here, breathing, no regret, no shame, no worries, no self-blame, but simply a realization that I cannot let excuses to take over, have to write, get it done, do it now, write something, there are my words I must live by. I mean, no point creating my own excuses and giving into them too. so here I am.

Its a long process, a serious process, I mean LIFE depends on it. This is not a joke, I just listen to an amazing interview by Sunette from the leadership forum of desteni, she goes on to explain the consequence of the Final Life review. Where you sort of become ‘aware of’ EVERY tiny little bit of physical existence, and you will ‘know’ what’s going on. I suppose that’s a lot of shit to be aware of (at the mind consciousness level), at the same time.  I still have to listen to this interview again and again, and ask sunette for more clarity.

So walking this process is a dedication, a commitment, a serious thing to do, I mean, not to joke around, fool around thing to do, walk this SERIOUSLY. And have some fun doing it.

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